Sunday, January 21, 2007

New version of RemoteList (IList implementation that support paging)

This is another post about implementation of remote list for Adobe Flex 2.

As I mentioned in previous post Flex framework provides ItemPendingError exception mechanism to use when collection data is not available. For example DataGrid component provides support for this exception. I didn't look too deeply in DataGrid code but my understanding that if ItemPendingError is thrown DataGrid would retry load the data by providing hooks into the ItemPendingError. I believe that all List based components should behave similary.

Given all these built-in support I realized it's much better to rely on ItemPendingError mechanism then event notification as I did in my previous post.

New version of RemoteList is based on old one with one exception - instead of dispatching CollectionEventKind.REPLACE to notifiy view (DataGrid), I throw ItemPendingException.

There are 3 main pieces:
IRemoteDataSet - interface that defines how to get remote data (RemoteDataSet a sample implementation)
RemoteList - class that uses IRemoteDataSet to get data and ItemPendingError mechanism to notify DataGrid when data is available
ItemPendingErrorEx - extends ItemPendingError to add dataReady/error methods.

I extended ItemPendingException by adding new method:

public function dataReady(data:Object):void
if (responders)
function(item:IResponder, index:int, arr:Array):void

(I am somewhat surprised that similar method is not included by default)

This method iterates through all IResponders and notifies them when data is ready. IResponders would be added by DataGrid component so I don't need to do anything else here.

I also updated miss() method in the RemoteList class:

* Called when we need to load a new page of data and throws a new exception for first request or
* rethrows already created exception if data loading already in progress.
public function miss(index:int):void
var item:Object = localData[index];
if (item == null)
var page : Number = Math.floor(index / pageSize);

if (pagesPending[page] == null)
remoteDataSet.loadData(page, pageSize);

var loadingEvent:Event = new Event("Loading");

var error:ItemPendingErrorEx = new ItemPendingErrorEx("Loading Data ...");
pagesPending[page] = error;
throw error;
} else
throw pagesPending[page];

The method would throw an ItemPendingErrorEx to let notify DataGrid that data is loading.

When data is ready onDataReady() method is called by RemoteDataSet class:

public function onDataReady(loadedData:Object):void
var result:Array = loadedData.result[0]["value"].toArray();
var page:int = loadedData.result[1]["value"];

var error:ItemPendingErrorEx = pagesPending[page];

pagesLoaded[page] = true;
var beginIdx : Number = page * pageSize;

localData.splice.apply(localData, [beginIdx, result.length].concat(result));

if (cleanData)

trace("localData is updated: " + beginIdx + "-" + (beginIdx + result.length) );


if (isDataInit == false)
isDataInit = true;
dispatchResetEvent(); // make columns are initialized

var dataReadyEvent:Event = new Event("DataReady");

Here ItemPendingErrorEx.dataReady method is called that in turn would call DataGrid's supplied listener to notify that data is ready and DataGrid can redraw the rows.

You can download all code from here.
(Still need to add support for sorting)


Cosma said...

Nice work, I started from your code to implement a similar behaviour, thanks.

However, it seems that it will not be easy to support sorting without switching to ICollectionView and IViewCursor interfaces..

RD said...

Still didnt' have chance to implement sorting, my current thinking just to do 'reset' when sort is clicked - meaning invalidate all current data and start over by loading first 100 rows based on new order (which of course means that you would lose you current row selection)

side note: I am in process moving my blog into new place: and will post any updates there.

Unknown said...

I really like the work you have done with this and I wonder if you have had time to implement sorting. Thereby saving me even more time :-)


Kitty said...
